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Application for Special Circumstances

Policy and Procedure


Special Circumstances – covering a range of unexpected, extenuating and compassionate circumstances, are those which were outside the control of the student and/or for which there was no opportunity to prepare in advance.


If you wish to apply for Special Circumstances, you need to tell us what outcome you are seeking. Please note on the form, one of the following: 

  • Withdrawal with no further penalty 
  • Withdrawal with refund 
  • Extension – Free of Charge  
  • Suspension  
  • Other

Unexpected or exceptional circumstances include: 

  • Medical circumstances- an unexpected illness, a recurrence of a chronic illness which became significantly worse after commencing the course or an accident after the start date 
  • Disability or illness for which a variation has already been made will not be accepted unless the disability has been compounded by an unexpected change, or an additional condition 

Supporting documentation/evidence 

Supporting evidence must take the form of an original certificate or letter on letterhead from a registered treating medical practitioner, registered health practitioner or approved specialist, depending on the nature of the condition. This certificate/letter must include dates (from and to) that the practitioner believes you will be unfit to study or that they will not be fit to study in the future. Supporting documentation will not be accepted from a relative or personal friend of the student, or friend of the student’s family. 


Compassionate circumstances include: 

  • Hardship or trauma such as the death or serious illness of a close family member, severe disruption to domestic arrangements, being a victim of a crime or an accident. 

Supporting documentation/evidence 

Supporting evidence may take the form of a letter from a registered counsellor who has prior knowledge of the student and their circumstance; an original medical certificate or letter on letterhead from a registered treating medical practitioner, registered health practitioner or approved specialist, depending on the nature of the condition; a letter from a person qualified to assess and support the application (e.g. clergy providing grief counselling); or a certificate from a funeral director or death notice. This letter includes the dates they believe you cannot study or at all. Supporting documentation will not be accepted from a relative or personal friend of the student, or friend of the student’s family. 


Other Special Circumstances include: 

  • Financial hardship 
  • Religious observance or obligations 
  • Formal legal commitments 
  • Military services 
  • Service with a recognised emergency management service 
  • Unforeseen and significant employment related circumstances such as overseas or interstate move (only for NSW Smart and Skilled students) at short notice. 

Supporting documentation/evidence 


Supporting evidence must be a letter from a registered financial counsellor stating that you are unable to pay for your course and how long this is likely to continue for. They must include dates etc. Supporting documentation will not be accepted from a relative or personal friend of the student, or friend of the student’s family. 


Supporting evidence for this can include; a certified call from the Australian Defence Force service, a description of the emergency attended for State Emergency Service or County Fire Service personnel or Rural Fire Service personnel, and original letter confirming changed employment circumstances, and original letter confirming commitments for athletes and performing artists, a copy of an accident report or court summons. Supporting documentation will not be accepted from a relative or personal friend of the student, or friend of the student’s family. 


If you are able to provide the required evidence, please complete the form found here: 

Once we receive this, we will request for the evidence to be sent directly to the RTO Administration Manager. This will enable us to assess your application. 

Once you have submitted your application and evidence, we will provide you with an outcome within 14 days. This may require some further correspondence/discussion with you, to provide the best outcome for both you and MCI.