When it comes to 2020 everyone is dealing with frustrations. From all walks of life, there are challenges everyone is facing. Job loss, mental health challenges and not to mention the delicate juggling act of homeschooling. It’s fair to say Covid-19 has thrown 2020 a veritable curveball.
What do you do with the elevated stress or when the tension is so high? How do you keep your psyche in check? Or better yet, what do you do when Covid-19 has taken away that feeling of no longer being in control?
As an employee for an Online Educational Institution (MCI Institute), I feel a certain degree of empathy for places like Melbourne (currently in stage 4 lockdown). Part of my job involves talking with everyday Aussies and Travellers who are thinking about studying. It can be tough for anyone in that situation when trying to look beyond the immediate four walls of your home.
How do you get back that feeling of control when you’ve been made Redundant, are stuck on Job Keeper or worse – lost your job?
Since March, Seek and Indeed.com have reported on a steady (dare I say rapid) increase of businesses hiring Work From Home and Flexible Workers in response to the New Normal. At the time of writing this article, Seek currently has over 12,000 roles advertised throughout Australia and, interestingly enough, they’re not all in Metro areas.
But how does this help me, you might ask?
If you’re like me then you’re probably working in a job or have had a career that doesn’t necessarily make sense in this New Normal of Work From Home positions. At least that’s what you’ve thought.
Here at MCI Institute, we’re talking to hundreds of students every month and there’s a constant that keeps coming up in our conversations: Change is in the air. Employees are looking at their roles differently. Even the Long term unemployed are seeing opportunities in the wind. Even Businesses are looking at themselves internally and asking ‘How do we Adapt? How do we become resilient in the wake of Covid-19?’
How do you reclaim that Control in your Life? How do I get a piece of that Work From Home pie?
To assist you, we’ve put together a list of 5 of the Most sought after Work From Home Positions. Positions that we discuss daily, not only with students but with Employers as well.
Administration Roles

The industry that has experienced the most upheaval when it comes to forced Work From Home roles is the Administration sector. Over the last half a century, Administration roles have experienced the least amount of change, right? Well, that depends on who you talk to.
Anyone who’s spent their career working as Administration Staff or in a Support capacity will tell you there’s a lot to learn – and there is. However, gone are the days where that learning or that support function needs to happen around a Fax Machine or in a physical Meeting Room.
MCI Institute has seen a dramatic increase in inquiries around Business Support and Business Administration. So much so that Employers and Employees alike understand there’s a specific need for Admin Support both on and offsite. Skills around Business Document Design, Excel Algorithm, and Financial Reporting. Skills you can easily learn online at home by starting at a Certificate III or IV level of Business Administration.
Check out the Certificate III, IV, and Diploma in Business Administration for more information.
Online Retail Positions
Gone are the days when your Nan and Pop had no idea what Amazon was. It’s a safe bet that Baby boomers and Retirees entering their twilight years are more in tune in the wonders of Online Shopping than you are. Thanks to Covid-19 lockdowns, everyone has taken advantage of Online Shopping convenience.
In May 2020, Australia Post reported a dramatic shift in consumer behaviour with an 80% increase in online shopping. An increase that doesn’t look like it's going to plateau anytime soon. Big online retail business like Amazon and eBay is flourishing. Meanwhile, traditional Retail shops and storefronts have been forced to think of new ways to get their product into the hands of their Covid-19 isolated consumer.
With this comes a need for staff to fulfill online customer orders and while there isn’t a course dedicated solely to Online Retail, there are entire modules dedicated to Online Customer Services. Skills that are required from a Click and Collect order right down to the fulfillment of a standard parcel. Not to mention its one of the very few Certificate III’s out there with Leadership as an outcome.
Check out the Certificate III Retail for more information.
Over the Phone Sales/Customer Service
Ever since the first computer was streamlined into a viable product for Apple or Microsoft sell to the consumer there’s been the ongoing conspiracy of Automation taking jobs. While this might be true to some degree, it has never been further from the truth than now. Think about it this way: if you’re someone in the market for a certain product whether it’s the latest Toaster, Mobile Phone, or Online Course then chances are you’ll be looking for the “Human Component” in your interactions.
Even if you do just want to conduct business over email or text message, there’s still someone on the other end fielding your inquiry. This is how Phone Sales/Customer Services Roles have evolved. Not just by using a Phone to make contact but by utilising the latest in up-to-date technologies to wow your Customer.
You could be looking to sell technical products as a Business Development Consultant, taking inbound inquiries as part of an Inside Sales team, or even just taking Customer Enquiries. When all a company needs to provide you with is a laptop and headset, these are all roles that are becoming highly sought after.
Check out the Certificate III/IV in Customer Engagement or Certificate IV in Business Sales for more information.
Human Resources Partners
Human Resource Officers used to be positions many would be associate with big businesses. They’d be part of a larger Human Resources Team (now called People & Culture) who would deal with issues between staff and were mainly for a larger workforce. That’s what we convinced ourselves.
In recent years, however, a need has developed for Small Businesses to access the skills of a professional Human Resources Officer or Manager on an ad hoc basis. This has given rise to the position known as a Human Resources Partner. A professional who has spent many years in a Human Resources position who many now subcontract their skills out to Businesses as they need it. Such a position would see them running their own business or working for a specific HR Partner Firm or Business with several clients.
Though not for someone just entering the HR industry. Roles like these are ideal for a seasoned Human Resources Professional. Someone who likes the idea of a Work From Home lifestyle whilst not abandoning their HR career altogether. Skills these companies are looking for are covered in the Certificate IV and Diploma of Human Resources.
Check out the Certificate IV/Diploma in Human Resources for more information.
Remote Management
You need to be in the office to Manage your Staff. You need to be around the Office to keep Tabs on your Workforce, right? If you’re a Manager then you’ve probably felt or thought: Covid-19 is probably testing your patience around these exact scenarios.
Companies have been taking full advantage of accessible software like EmailAnalytics, Timely, and ProofHub to help keep tabs on their staff. Leaving you the opportunity to focus on things like Sales Coaching, becoming an Inspirational Leader, and Running your Business. This is a skill set you can pick up through Online Study.
Click here to read our article "Seven Benefits of Taking a Leadership and Management Course".
You could be running a Small Team of 5 Staff or you could be running an entire Company where over 100 Staff answer to you. Regardless of the size of your business, a Leadership and Management course can help refine those skills in your current role or help secure a new Management role in the future.
Check out the Certificate IV/Diploma in Leadership and Management for more information.
Let’s Talk About Your Study Goals
At MCI Institute, we address each student’s situation on a Case by Case basis. We look at things like ‘What Are You Looking to Achieve From Your Studies,’ previous career experience and most importantly, how can we provide a Roadmap to Get you your Dream Job.
This is done through a consultative needs-based approach, personalised guidance and walking you through specific career outcomes in the learning process.
If you’re ready to advance your Career, explore our courses and study at your own pace. Learn from the world-class faculty and with other high-potential leaders.