MCI Blog

Behavioural Job Interviews - MCI Institute

Posted by Jenna Baskin on 17/10/2016
Jenna Baskin
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Behavioural Interview STAR Method are very common during the initial interview stages.

You can expect to come across this type of questioning in the first or second interview for a role.

The premise behind this technique is that past behaviour predicts future performance. Interviewers want to understand when you have demonstrated a competency through past behaviour. It is essential that you provide specific examples and don’t speak generally. When answering behavioural questions, using a structure is essential.

Here is the STAR method of answering questions:

Situation: Frame the situation- where you were working, what role you were in and what was the context

Task/Action: The steps you took to resolve the situation

Result: The outcome of the steps you took

If you are asked about a competency that you have not used before, you are allowed to say that you have not yet experienced that situation. This is as long as you aren’t saying this for every question.

You could also talk about what you would do were you to face that circumstance.

If the interviewer asks if you would do anything differently when you have described a situation, do not feel compelled to say, “yes”. Support why you are happy with the result. If you do feel you would want to do things differently, be sure to explain why you couldn’t do so in the situation.

behavioural interview questions

Examples of competency based questions:


Describe a change you implemented at work and the issues you faced?

Problem solving

Describe a problem you had to solve and the steps you took to solve it?


What has been your most successful negotiation so far?


Tell me about a time when you put the team needs before your own?

Topics: Article, general, job interviews, MCI Live, resume

By Jenna Baskin

Jenna Baskin is the CEO of MCI and has over 11 years’ experience in the training and education space. She was responsible for the creation of the MCI's online consumer division, the MCI Institute, and the transition of the organisation into the digital learning landscape. This includes platform partnerships across North America, unique content development, and the introduction of virtual reality learning methodologies.