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Importance of Soft Skills for Business Development Managers | MCI

Written by Jenna Baskin | 16/02/2024

In the high-stakes world of business development, where the ability to forge new pathways and drive growth is paramount, what sets apart the good from the great? 

It's not just the sharp strategies or the mastery of marketing analysis; it's the soft skills that truly make a difference. These are the skills that breathe life into data, turn negotiations into partnerships, and transform opportunities into successes. 

So which business development manager soft skills do you need to succeed?

The role of a business development manager

At the heart of every thriving organisation is a strategic visionary, often known as the business development manager (BDM). Tasked with the critical role of identifying new business opportunities, forging beneficial partnerships, and driving revenue growth, BDMs are the architects of a company's future success. 

If you're a BDM, your responsibilities extend beyond just sales targets; you're involved in market research, strategy formulation, and the execution of business plans that align with your organisation's long-term goals. 

As a business development manager, soft skills are not just complementary; they're essential. These skills are the scaffolding on which successful business development is built. In an environment where relationships are currency, the ability to connect with others on a human level, to inspire trust, and to articulate a vision clearly and compellingly is what distinguishes the most successful business development managers.

Top 7 business development soft skills

1. Communication

Effective communication is the backbone of business development. BDMs must excel in both verbal and written communication, as your role often involves negotiating deals, presenting ideas to stakeholders, and building lasting relationships with clients. 

The ability to articulate thoughts clearly and persuasively is crucial, whether it's pitching a new project, explaining the benefits of partnership, or leading a team meeting. 

Superior communication skills make sure ideas are conveyed effectively, feedback is received constructively, and collaborations are strengthened.

2. Empathy and emotional intelligence

Understanding and relating to the emotions of others is a superpower in the business world. Empathy and emotional intelligence (EQ) allow BDMs to understand the needs and concerns of clients and colleagues alike, fostering an environment of trust and cooperation. 

These skills are vital in building rapport, negotiating with stakeholders, and managing team dynamics. A high level of EQ leads to more meaningful connections, better client satisfaction, and a more cohesive team environment.

3. Adaptability and flexibility

Change is inevitable in business, so adaptability and flexibility are essential soft skills for business development managers. You need to be able to pivot strategies in response to market changes or client feedback quickly and efficiently. This agility enables you to stay ahead of industry trends, embrace new opportunities, and navigate setbacks with resilience. 

Being adaptable and flexible means being open to new ideas, willing to adjust plans, and capable of thinking on your feet -- an invaluable trait in the fast-paced world of business development. 

4. Problem-solving and creativity

Innovation and creativity are at the heart of problem-solving. BDMs are tasked with finding solutions to complex challenges, whether it's entering a new market, improving a product, or bettering client engagement. This requires a creative mindset, where you can think outside the box and use a strategic approach to problem-solving. 

By embracing innovation, BDMs can create unique strategies that drive growth, improve operations, and set your organisation apart from the competition.  

5. Leadership and team collaboration

Leadership is all about inspiring and motivating others towards a common goal. BDMs, often at the helm of cross-functional teams, need to demonstrate strong leadership and collaboration skills. This means setting clear objectives, fostering an inclusive team culture, and facilitating effective communication among team members. 

Great leaders in business development are those who can guide their teams through challenges, celebrate successes together, and drive their organisation towards its strategic goals. 

6. Active listening

Listening is just as important as communicating effectively. It involves fully concentrating, understanding, responding, and then remember what is being said. 

For BDMs, this skill is crucial for truly understanding the needs and desires of clients and partners. It helps to build stronger relationships, identify new opportunities, and create solutions that truly meet stakeholder needs. 

7. Negotiation

The art of negotiation goes beyond simple deal-making. 

It requires a blend of empathy, strategic thinking, and a win-win mindset. BDMs with strong negotiation skills can secure favourable terms that benefit both organisation and clients or partners. 

It's an essential skill for contracts, partnerships, and pricing discussion, and ensures long-term success and satisfaction for all parties involved. 

Soft skills development as a business development manager

Growing your career as a BDM requires more than just honing your technical skills. It demands a continuous commitment to developing your soft skills. Here's how you can start to do this.  


The journey to soft skill development begins with self-reflection. 

Assess your current skill set by asking for feedback from colleagues, mentors, and clients. Reflect on recent interactions and projects; where did you excel? Where could you have communicated or responded differently? 

Tools like 360-degree feedback and personality assessments can offer valuable insights into your interpersonal skills, EQ, and areas for growth.  

Training and education

The beauty of the internet is that there is a plethora of resources at your disposal. 

Enrol in workshops and online learning focused on the soft skills you want to develop. These programs often provide practical strategies and insights that you can apply in your role as a BDM.

Read books by respected authors in the field of business psychology and leadership to gain new perspectives and techniques for improving your interpersonal skills. 

Practice and application

True mastery of soft skills comes from practice and real-world application. Look for opportunities to implement what you've learned in your day-to-day responsibilities. 

This could mean volunteering to lead a challenging project, engaging in networking events to refine your communication skills, or even participating in community service to build empathy and teamwork abilities.

Each interaction is a chance to practice patience, active listening, and persuasive communication –  key skills that every successful BDM needs. 

Don't shy away from roles or projects that push you out of your comfort zone! It's in these challenging situations that actual growth happens. By consciously applying your soft skills in diverse settings, you'll develop the agility and resilience needed to navigate the complexities of business development successfully. 

Start your business development career

A successful business development career starts with the right education. Our selection of business management courses online helps develop your technical skills and your soft skills at the same time. Whether you’re after a certificate or diploma, we can help kickstart the career you want. Explore our courses today!