Securing a job interview for a business development management position is an achievement in itself, but it’s just the beginning. Now that you’ve got a foot in the door, it’s all about what happens next.
How you present yourself, what you say, what skills you demonstrate and what potential you show are just some of the key aspects of the interview that will determine the outcome.
The good news is that there are many ways to prepare for your business development manager interview to demonstrate why you’re the best person for the job!
While you don’t need any formal qualifications to become a business development manager (although the organisation you are interviewing for may have specific academic or other requirements), the interviewer will be looking for a candidate who demonstrates a variety of skills and attributes.
In this article, we’ll take a look at the qualities of a good business development manager, what you can expect from the interview and how to best prepare for your session. We’ll also provide practical guidance and tips that will enhance your prospects of securing the position, so read right to the end!
What makes a good business development manager?
The nature of a business manager’s job is very varied - and will differ from organisation to organisation. A business manager in the mining industry will have different tasks and responsibilities to someone in the same position in a real estate firm or in the medical field - but that said, there are certain skills and attributes that are universal to a good business development manager.
Your interviewer is likely to be looking for someone who demonstrates:
- Good communication skills
- Strong persuasive and negotiation skills
- Excellent organisation skills
- Efficient time management
- Problem-solving and creative thinking abilities
- Ability to multi-task
- Strong team player
- Good technical skills
- Empathy and resilience
- A sense of authority and integrity
For more info, a good read is our blog on Soft Skills for Business Development Managers.
How to prepare for a business development manager interview
Knowledge is power. Success is when persistence meets preparation. The more I practise, the luckier I get. These quotes and sayings may be old, but the wisdom in them is as current as ever.
The more prepared you are for your interview, the greater your chances of success. From role-playing to honing your skills with a business development course, if you do the hard yards beforehand, you’ll be putting your best foot forward.
Do your research on the company
The more you know about your prospective employer, the better.
Go through their website carefully and do an online search of recent news articles to get a comprehensive understanding of what they do, the markets they operate in, their competitors etc. This will not only boost your confidence going into the interview, it will also show the interviewer that you are genuinely interested in that particular job.
Possible interview question for a business manager interview
As they say, you’ve got to be in it to win it. So now that you’ve secured your interview - what do you do next?
A good starting point is to look at the types of questions that the interviewer may ask. Some of these will be standard fare, whilst others may be left-field. The goal is to do your groundwork thoroughly so that you aren’t caught off guard by unexpected or tricky questions. Being able to think on your feet and make decisions calmly and rationally is another key attribute of a good business manager.
- How do you see yourself fostering relationships in the business environment?
- How good are you at creating opportunities and driving growth in the business arena?
- What’s your sales technique and how do you envisage developing new markets for our products or services?
- How do you prioritise projects or activities?
- How do you respond to failure? Can you provide an example of how you dealt with a situation that didn’t go as expected?
- Are you a team player? Can you take me through a situation where you had to get colleagues to collaborate on a project?
- What technical tools do you typically use in your role as a business development manager?
- Where do you see yourself in the future?
Don’t be generic. Where possible, support your answers with your real-life experiences and always be honest. A good interviewer will quickly see through any attempts to obscure the truth - so always be upfront about your skills and experience (or lack of). A good interviewer will also appreciate a willingness to learn and they will recognise potential.
In some of your answers, try and demonstrate how you would engage with prospective customers in their particular industry, communicate with teams in the different areas of their business and support the development of their specific products or services.
Key takeaways
Remember, the prospective employer is looking for a candidate who will help their organisation achieve its business, operational and financial goals efficiently and timeously. So if you show genuine interest and can demonstrate that you have the skills (and the potential and drive for continuous learning), you’ll be giving yourself the best chance for a successful outcome of your business development manager interview.
Put your best foot forward
Even if you haven’t yet secured an interview, it’s never too early to start your preparation. And a course is a great springboard for success. Check out our online business courses and gain the knowledge you need to nail that business development management interview.
What can you do to become a better business development manager?
There’s nothing to beat practical on-the-job experience with strong mentorship and guidance from your colleagues - but doing a course is another really good option for expanding your skills and building your expertise, your abilities and your confidence. It’s obviously crucial to choose the most appropriate one to support your career aspirations, but if you’re after a solid platform for success in the world of business development, you should check out our hands-on business development courses which offer nationally recognised qualifications.
Need assistance to start your learning journey?
You are in the right place! Please book a free career consultation with one of our course advisors. They will help you define your goals and match you with the skills and training that will guide you towards success.