Oftentimes the average Australian may find themselves in an unfulfilling career, but the thought of changing jobs can seem intimidating and scary.
Changing careers requires you to have certain experience and skills, or at least some working knowledge of your new career path. Even if you know your unique calling, you might lack the experience or qualifications that a potential employer wants.
Research shows that people will have several paths during their careers. Seeking out new challenges and following new ideas in the hunt for career fulfilment is very common.
So here’s the good news: not only should you change careers, but you are expected to do it!
There is absolutely no need to stay at a job where you are miserable and undervalued – it’s possible to find a more fulfilling position in a different niche with a better employer.
It’s time to start looking.
Changing your career doesn’t have to be intimidating when you know what key steps to follow – from acquiring the right qualifications to getting practical experience in your chosen field.
Here are some career change ideas to help you on your way to entering a new career in 2023.
How to know when it's time to change careers
Your body is telling you so!
Our bodies are pretty smart, and we can learn a lot about how we're coping by listening to them. If you have that pit of anxiety in your stomach on Sunday nights, constantly suffer from tension headaches at work, or you're struggling to concentrate, these can all be signs that it's time to switch up your career.
Constant exhaustion and boredom at work are another sign that your body is telling you your current career isn't right for you anymore.
You're always thinking about your 'dream job' - and you're not in it
If you're constantly thinking about your dream career, are always on the lookout for job listings, yearn for a better work-life balance, and are jealous of others that have career satisfaction, it's time to stop dreaming and get out there and get it.
You're only in it for the money
It's true what they say: money can't buy happiness. While it's important to be able to earn enough money to sustain you, if you know in your heart that you're only in your current career for the money, it's a good sign it's time to move on.
Working in a career that brings satisfaction and happiness is worth more than a big pay cheque. If you find yourself having to buy yourself expensive things to make up for the job that makes you miserable, consider how differently your life could look if you enjoyed going to work each day.

How to change careers
In Australia, career changes are becoming more and more common. In fact, studies show that the average worker holds ten different jobs before they hit forty, and this number is expected to grow. Nevertheless, a career transition can seem daunting. Here are some tips for how to change careers.
Step 1: Be honest with yourself
This level of self-assessment can be tricky, but it's important to be honest with yourself about where you are, where you want to go, your current skills, and skills gaps you'll need to improve before being hired in your new field.
Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses - you can be sure this will come up in an interview for your new job, so make sure you've already taken the time to self-reflect.
This is a good time to define what you want from your new career, and what you are willing to sacrifice (time, salary) in order to get it.
Step 2: Network
Meet people in the industry you want to move to. Speak to them about their role, what they like about their career, and if there are any upcoming opportunities they're aware of. People working in your new industry may be able to offer advice about what skills and qualifications you'll need before making the career move.
Speak to people who have successfully changed careers before. Seasoned career changers may be able to offer advice about what to do, and what not to do. Having a successful career change isn't always a given - so learn from the pitfalls that others have experienced.
Step 3: Set goals
And make the goals achievable. Don't just set the goal as 'get dream job'. Instead, set smaller goals along the way, such as complete a course to develop new skills, apply for a certain number of jobs, update your resume, or speak to a career coach.
Setting achievable goals is a great way to get started on a career change while still working in your current role. It's a good way of feeling like you're taking action, without yet diving in head first.
Step 4: Try it out for size
Try to get some sort of work experience in the particular industry you're interested in. You may be able to volunteer, or shadow someone in a role similar to what you can see yourself in. This will give you a look into your potential new career path, allow you to see what transferable skills you already have, and what skills you need to acquire. It's also a good way of trying out the new career before leaving your current job
Step 5: Commit
Changing careers takes time. You have to be prepared to commit yourself to acquire the new skills you need, prepare your resume, and find new opportunities. A change in career takes perseverance, time and consistency. A career journey is often not linear - and that's okay. It doesn't mean you're failing.
If you think you can achieve your new goals overnight, you may set yourself up for disappointment. Be realistic and be prepared to commit to making the changes you need to make in order to succeed in a new role when one arises.

It's never too late to go back to study
Undertaking study doesn't need to be time consuming. You can study while you remain in your day job, and slowly work towards your dream career. Here at MCI Institute we offer flexible study options to fit in with your lifestyle.
Business course online
MCI Institute’s business courses online Australia are designed to help you take your career to the next level, or gain the confidence to step into a new career in the business space.
Study in your own time and learn the skills and knowledge you need to feel confident and motivated as you consider your new career options.
Financial services courses online
If you're considering a complete change in your career and want to join the finance industry, check out the MCI Institute’s financial services courses online. Gain all the new skills and industry knowledge you need to feel prepared as you move into the finance sector.
University pathway
Can you see yourself studying at university, but aren't sure how to make that step? Here at MCI Institute, our university pathways courses are nationally recognised. By acquiring a diploma from MCI Institute you can receive recognised credit toward a university degree.
MCI Institute is open for enrolments
A potential career move can feel daunting - but it doesn't need to be, and you don't need to navigate it alone. Here at MCI Institute we're ready to help you with career change ideas and the skill acquisitions you need to prepare yourself for a change in career. Don't settle for a mediocre working life - 2023 is the time to achieve your career goals, whatever that looks like for you.