Wellbeing Blog

Time Management

Faizeh Hafda Mar 4, 2022 3:58:31 PM

Welcome to your MCI Wellbeing Blog for March!

This month we are talking about Time Management.


Do you ever have the feeling that there are simply not enough hours in the day?

And why do some people seem to achieve more within their day than others? The answer is – good time management.

Time management is forward planning and organising how to divide your time between different activities. Sometimes this can feel almost impossible, when it seems that everyone wants a piece of your time. Dividing your time between family, work, friends, activities and then fitting in the all-important “me time” can be slightly overwhelming. Firstly, we need to de-clutter and take charge of our time.

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The Positive Impact of Creative Outlets

Jenna Baskin Jan 31, 2022 2:33:42 PM

Welcome to your MCI Wellbeing Blog for February!

This month we are talking about Creative Outlets!


What are creative outlets?

When it comes to creativity, we all enjoy it in some way, shape or form. Whether this involves doodling in a notepad, cooking a new recipe, dressing to express, or simply taking the time to acknowledge our surroundings without modern day distractions, creativity is a vital part of the human experience and has greatly influenced our evolution since we started drawing whacky figures on cave walls 40,000 years ago.

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Blue Spaces

Jenna Baskin Dec 1, 2021 10:30:36 AM

Welcome to your MCI Wellbeing Blog for December!

This month we are talking about Blue Spaces!

What are blue spaces?

For years scientists have documented the positive effects of spending time in natural spaces such as parks, woodlands, and nature reserves. These areas, also known as ‘green spaces’, have been proven to hold a variety of benefits that positively impact both health and well-being. However, ‘blue spaces’, which are anywhere near a body of water, potentially hold even more restorative effects for mind, body, and soul.

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Belinda Rhodes Oct 28, 2021 1:59:40 PM

Welcome to your MCI Wellbeing Blog for November!

This month we are talking about Brainfood.

Brains are the hardest workers in our body. Think about it - your brain is always “on.” It is taking care of our thoughts, movements, breathing, heartbeat, and senses, even when we are sleeping. They work 24/7, which means they need a constant supply of fuel.

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Michelle Walley Oct 1, 2021 10:40:14 AM

Welcome to your MCI Wellbeing Blog for October!

This month we are talking about Anxiety.

First of all what is anxiety?  

Well we’ve all experienced stress and had anxious feelings at some times in our lives and these are perfectly normal responses to situations when things don’t go the way we hoped for, or something sad happens. Such events are called stressors. In our day to day lives, once the stressor passes we usually pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and get on with things as usual. Anxiety is different to feeling these usual worries and stresses that life throws at us. Instead anxiety is when those feeling are ongoing and persistent. When they just won’t go away.  

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Putting Setbacks Into Perspective

Jenna Baskin Sep 3, 2021 12:23:08 PM

Welcome to your MCI Wellbeing Blog for September!

This month we are talking about setbacks.

Sometimes we all face disappointment. Maybe you were not successful the job that you were applying for. Perhaps you did not receive the marks to get into the study course that you wanted? It may be that you did not win a competition or gain the promotion you hoped for.
Did you spent a great deal of time preparing a proposal for a client and then finally they decided not to sign up with your company?
Although setbacks can be tough, setbacks sometimes can have a positive outcome. I will give you an example of this:

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Jenna Baskin Aug 2, 2021 3:53:00 PM

Welcome to your MCI Wellbeing Blog for August!

This month we are talking about self-care.

Self-care doesn’t have to be sitting on the beach in Hawaii with a face mask on, waiting for your massage at 3pm. Real self-care is about taking actions for your personal growth and development. Whilst there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ to self-care, the common thread for all self-care efforts is that it involves a commitment to one’s well-being. 


Here are 4 ways to exercise real self-care: 

  • · Self-care means setting boundaries and being able to say ‘no’. Be accepting of who you are. It is important to recognise your limits and know how much you can take on before your ‘resilience balloon’ pops.
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Giving back – so much value-add, so much reward to the receiver and the giver

Jenna Baskin Jun 25, 2021 12:15:25 PM

Welcome to your MCI Wellbeing Blog for July!

This month we are talking about Volunteering.

Volunteering is a great way of giving back and adding value to your community. If you can do so, volunteering can be a great way to network, develop existing skills and learn new skillsets, all of which may help you in your future career. Moreso, volunteering can be tremendous fun and deeply satisfying.

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Rachel Hows May 28, 2021 2:25:15 PM

Welcome to your MCI Wellbeing Blog for June!

This month we are talking about mindfulness – what it is and how it can help you.

What is Mindfulness?

It’s so easy to get caught up in our thoughts and feelings then give ourselves a hard time about them. We become anxious that we did the wrong thing or said the wrong thing. We feel ashamed for our behaviour and wish we had done things differently. We get so caught up in our feelings that we become unable to take action. Usually when we are angry or upset or scared, we just react without even thinking about the effect that it will have on someone else or even ourselves. Being mindful allows us the space to take a break, collect our thoughts and decide what to do next.

Mindfulness means being aware of what you are thinking and feeling, but not reacting to it. This includes not judging the thought as being good or bad. It’s being in the present moment without worrying about the future or dwelling on the past. Dan Harris (author of 10% Happier) defines mindfulness as “the ability to know what’s happening in your head at any given moment without getting carried away by it”.

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Personal Energy Management

Jenna Baskin Apr 29, 2021 3:02:28 PM

Welcome to you MCI May Wellbeing!

In this post we will focus on personal energy and personal energy management offering you some tips and support to maximise your personal energy levels on a day-to-day basis.


Most people can relate to energy in its physical form as taught in schools. It is a topic that is often discussed in the media where politicians and other interest groups call for the switch from dirty (polluting) energy – typically provided by resources such as coal – to cleaner energy from sources such as wind, solar and water (less polluting).

Regardless of the energy form – dirty or clean, energy is something fundamentally needed to support and sustain us daily. Just think about the electrical energy – that silently, reliably, and conveniently supplies the exact amount of electricity to our household appliances and machines from fridges to computers.

Now let’s discuss the energy our bodies use every day to keep us alive, well and functioning…

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